Risk Insurance
What happens if you have an accident or incur an illness that prevents you from working? What would happen if you become permanently disabled or pass away? Where would this leave your family? So it goes without saying, personal risk insurance is extremely important.
Protect Your Hard Work
We know how hard you work to grow your asset base. And we also know how quickly it can be taken away by unfortunate circumstances. Most people can recall family, friends or colleagues who have been affected by misfortune, and some will also know of those that have suffered financial stress as a result.
There are various insurance products that can reduce the financial stress from the effects of ill health or injury. These allow you to focus on recovery, or in a worst case scenario, enjoy the time left with your loved ones. Below we look at the most common insurance covers offered by HBMI.
Life Insurance and Risk Insurance
Life Insurance and Risk insurance cover provides a lump sum payment if you die or are diagnosed with a terminal illness, and are likely to pass away within 12 months. In this situation, the funds from an insurance claim can be used to repay debt or replace income when you’re not around, or to enjoy the time you have left with loved ones.
Trauma Cover Insurance
Trauma cover insurance pays out a lump sum if you’re diagnosed with certain medical conditions. For example, some forms of cancer, or if you have a stroke or a heart attack or other major illnesses.
Total & Permanent Disability
Total and permanent disability cover insurance can provide a lump sum payment should you completely lose your ability to ever work again (or carry on your normal daily living tasks if you’re not employed).
Mortgage Repayment Cover
Mortgage repayment cover provides a financial safety net should you be disabled as a result of sickness or injury and you’re unable to meet your mortgage repayments. The benefit is designed to cover mortgage repayments on your behalf during treatment and recovery. However, some mortgage repayment cover benefits are not offset from other forms of income.
Income Protection Cover
Income protection cover provides a financial safety net should you be disabled as a result of sickness or injury, and unable to earn your regular income. This monthly benefit is designed to replace a significant portion of lost income to help maintain your usual lifestyle during treatment and recovery. Some income cover benefits are offset by other forms of income.
Private Medical Cover
Private medical cover provides funding to enable you to have private medical treatment whenever you require more immediate access, or a broader range of treatment options, that are not available to you through the public health system.
Waiver of Premium Cover
Waiver of premium cover provides a financial safety net should you be disabled as a result of sickness or injury, and unable to earn your regular income. The monthly benefit is designed to relieve you of the financial responsibility of paying your policy premium during treatment and recovery.
HBMI & NIMS Insurance Partners
We work with several insurers in order to obtain the right insurance for you.
*Insurance is subject to an application being accepted by an insurer and if a policy is issued their terms and conditions being agreed to.
Insurance companies HBMI & NIMS works closely with: